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Majalengka Day 203 : Pandora Hearts


Yes it was about Pandora

with a lot of hearts, and of course, bishies

Anyway, i kinda forgot about this one, it was sitting for so long and i goofed around too much

btw, yes this is about the anime.

for a story with settings in Europe, (England maybe, fictive of course), they had a lot of western names. What irked me though, was that they never even bother to pronounce every of that damn name right. Oz Vessallius, Xarxes Break, Mad Hatter, Black Rabbit, Vincent Nightray (and a lot of other Nightrays). Much like my feeling about Kuroshitsuji too (and a lot of stories with similar settings). Maybe they were being nationalist...

Pandora Hearts was heavily influenced by Alice in Wonderland, using familiar terms such as Mad Hatter or Alice or Cheshire. Oz the protagonist was thrown into the abyss by a bunch of red hooded creeps on his 15th birthday, made a contract with a very powerful chain Black Rabbit, and left the abyss only to find out that he had skipped 10 years since the incident. Weird time warp. Xarxes got 30 years skip, and Vincent-Gil got 90 years skip. They're old badgers~

Abyss, the world of broken toy box that had a lot of chains running around eating whatever

yes, Trump looked like a very bad rendition of Tim Burton's cross Frankenstein.

i wonder where did she got the name Mad Baby? it didn't even look like one...

too bad the anime didn't left any of that eerie impressions like the manga version. Black Rabbit wasn't even looked.... formidable -__-

and it'd be better if Oz was this crazy, not that weird twisted kid...

the ending wasn't really the ending, because the manga is still ongoing. I got this feeling that Alice and that Will of Abyss was like Saya and Diva in Blood+, different preferences of dresses and that blue roses and stuffs (have you read that one? so bloody~)

maybe the only good thing about the anime was Kajiura. omg you could tell from the start that those heavenly voices were Kajiura's troops.

i think i'll take it from the top again, it's been so long since i read Pandora Hearts. I really like Xarxes Break.

Vincent was a pedo though, just saying. Poor Echo.

btw, was that Jabberwock? too easy to kill o_O

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