we are living our life
abound with so much information...
it's time for camping, it's time for a new social link!
and well, please say hello to Saki Konishi's brother~
Naoki Konishi, bad hair style, and a little bit feminine, too much looked like Saki
He represented the Hanged Man Arcana. After the death of Saki, he got special treatment from all around him. And you could guess, he hated the fact that everyone treated him like a fragile glass doll. He felt so lonely, and his encounter with Yuu et al changed him a bit. Banchou was so blunt that the ice between them quickly melted away. He even ate together with the group after the super fail Mystery Food X.
it was purple, who the heck would eat purple curry?
yes, don't be fooled by pretty faces of Yukiko and Chie, because they bought everything they saw fit and plunge it all into the cauldron. The result successfully threw Yosuke and Banchou into misery.
yosuke, he ate the thing without any hesitation
banchou, he hesitated a lot, but ate it anyway (never knew he could have that kind of expression)
but we had a girl who could withstand the damaging food, she even ate it with flowery expression
Hanako Ohtani, the girl with steel-lined stomach
this part of story was especially my favorite, since everyone was so laid back and it didn't involve any lengthy exposition of one character to Banchou only. Banchou actually could interact with others, and the groups actually had characters here. Good for them.
banchou, so blunt he made Kanji nervous and ran to meet his doom...
the ending was so lolworthy~
stay tuned for more parts of P4~
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